Living Life in Colour

Life is beautiful, life is fun, life is an adventure, life is made of progressive steps, it’s a continuous journey; that is, each day brings forth another, each day’s experience brings forth the knowledge we live by. Each day we grow; physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually. We make choices and decisions based on what we believe in and what we desire of our lives. I’m a lover of life, and the good life to be precise. For me the good life involves finding peace, love and joy within myself and in those I happen to be around, whether I choose to or the situation presents itself.

I decided to start this blog because I would like to share what I have learnt over the years and still continue to learn about living life in colour. These are conversations to call you to live life more intentionally, to be more present in the gifts the world presents now! It’s obvious that none of us will be here forever and worse still no one knows when or how it will all end. So why not allow yourself the freedom to live wildly pursue your dreams, be a better version of you each passing day. Not do any of this to make a show or impress anyone as the world today has accustomed us to dim necessary, but do it all for you; a somewhat selfish decision. Conversations to call us to vibrate higher, seek out more off life and give more to the world around us. This I believe is the whole reason we ended up here and at this time. To live an exciting life and focus on what really makes us happy rather than what the world is doing. Who knows, maybe you hold the secret to true happiness and we might never see it if you keep holding back.

I am all for the growth mindset. It all started for me a few years ago when I was feeling confused and wanting it to all make sense. I was a second year student in the university trying to find identity in a place that I barely felt noticed, yet felt overly judged. In my head, a constant battle each day feeling like I wasn’t enough or sometimes I wasn’t worthy of it all; because to me it seemed, everyone knew what they were doing, why they were doing it and where they were headed. On the other hand there was me, with a whole lot of ideas that I had no idea how to move forward with. Then slowly and steadily, I came to discover, everything would work out if only I got started and dedicated to what I wanted. It didn’t matter where I was at the time, all I needed was to know, or at least focus on trying to know where I wanted to go. So I made the decision, that each day I would do something, anything, to work towards figuring out who I was and who I wanted to be. That turned out to be a greater adventure than I would ever have imagined and I often look back and laugh at the mistakes, soak in the lessons and reminisce the incredible time I continue to have. And no I didn’t figure it all out in the same year even if I started in January, actually quite frankly, I made the worst mistakes that year, but you know what, they all shaped me. Here I am about four years later, having not figured much out yet, but more determined than ever. I must admit, I am a lot happier than I was back then, a lot more at peace with how life is unfolding and in love with myself & my life a whole lot more. Yeah life is beautiful.

So what’s all this really about? I’m here just sharing ways to create a life worth living, a life full of wander and adventure. It is a call to be fiercely you and be fiercely in pursuit of your own definition of success. Conversations to help you to figure out who you are, what you are meant to be and why you want to be who you want to be. A reminder that life is a continuous journey and it’s beautiful, and it’s always been, even when we don’t see it. Through this journey we will both keep learning new ways to care for our hearts, souls and minds while we pursue our wildest dreams for we are a great generation that is mostly likely to change the world or at least our lives and those close to us if only we focus on the right things.

Hop on to this train and ride with me each week as the stories slowly unfold and build up, taking in anything you might find interesting and helpful. Here there will always be nourishment for your heart, soul & mind.

10 thoughts on “Living Life in Colour

  1. Niko kwa hii Safari kama ants… ha-ha. Great article The journey to self fulfilment is one of man’s greatest end endeavors.

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